Truckers have a challenging job. The miles are long and there’s no time for rest.

Seeing a truck driver smile, does it make you feel good? We are happy to hear that!
But there is more to this than meets the eye. Behind this smile lies years of miseries — long working hours, bad infrastructure, low incentive, and low pay.
Truck drivers are the backbone of the economy — but that doesn’t mean they have to be exhausted, bruised, and lonely.
They move the economy, yet they lack the basic social benefits, security, work-life balance, and family time.
Our truckers don’t have a fixed time for their food, sleep, and rest. On the road, the truck is their home.
It has taken its toll, and in return, truck drivers have lost their self-esteem, an income-to-support their families, and health insurance to pay for medical expenses.
But with your little help, we can make a world of difference!
What the truck is a not-for-profit NGO that works for the betterment of truck drivers.